So you've been simply itching for some kitty companionship, but you can't decide between the delights of keeping your very own fuzzy little pal, or the joys of caring for a feline in need. No worries! This quick quiz will help you make that all important decision!
My weekends are usually...

Do you have any experience with cats?

Aside from weekends, how much extra time do you have?

How much open space is available in your current living situation?

The people I live with (or who visit often)...

If you have other pets in the home, are you familiar with introduction techniques?

Public speaking is...

Should You Adopt or Foster
You're ready to foster!
Though committing to a kitty of your own is a wonderful thing, you have the patience and love to look after cats in need! Although you have all of the wonderful qualities needed to care for a cat, you may not have other resources – like ample time, unlimited space for your feline to roam, a lot of funds at your disposal, or a quiet home full of like-minded feline fanatics. That's all right, though. Fostering means that, despite persnickety roommates or a lack of floor space, you can still enjoy the company of a cat while looking after him in a designated area. It also means that, so long as you have plenty of time to socialize your new little foundling, you're allowed a few freedoms you wouldn't have as a committed cat owner. For instance, if you needed to get out of town for a week, other fosters or your rescue organization are often willing to assist you. Finally, fostering means that you don't necessarily have to have a huge income to help out. Many rescues and shelters will provide everything you need to help care for your foster cat. All they ask in return is that you ensure he turns into a marvelous individual who is ready for his permanent home – and for you to attend the occasional adoption event, of course. Pretty swell, right?
You're ready to adopt!
Although fostering is a wonderful thing, you're ready to commit to one special feline friend (or a few, we're not judging)! You not only have the requisite love and patience needed to keep a cat, you are also pretty secure in your current living situation, reside or hang around with fellow animal lovers, and have a floor plan that is open enough to allow for a kitty to run, play, and nap to his heart's content! You also have enough time to dedicate to teaching your new adoptee the ropes of his home, and can commit to spending lots of time interacting with him after he has settled in. Once you have your new kitty (or kitties... ahem) all sorted out and comfortable, you may also want to consider fostering. Though you may feel quite content with your brand new little buddy, if your home and heart are open to helping out an extra rescue or two, you might very well be an ideal candidate for just about any foster program!
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