Here's the thing about us kitty fanatics: we can't get enough of those fuzzy little creatures. From clothing to books to videos, we... are... obsessed. Another thing about us: we're a tad on the strange side. That said, if you're looking to give the perfect present for an odd, feline enamored compatriot, you've come to the right place. In this article, we will be looking into the top nine weirdest gifts for cat people. But let me warn you: you might end up with two of each, because they're simply too groovy to give away completely!
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Cute Cats Farting: Coloring Book by Vit Hansen
Cats are classy, refined creatures... that fart. And let me tell you, when they do, it's a surprise for everyone. This fun little activity book highlights that hidden part of cat patronage, and in the most adorable way possible. If your crazy cat person is a creative sort or just needs some stress relief, you cannot go wrong with a cute farting cat coloring book!
Crafting with Cat Hair by Kaori Tsutaya
Weird or ingenious? Doesn't matter. This is one of the most perfect weird gifts for cat people. Why? Two reasons. One, they will have a nearly endless supply of their chosen craft material. And two, anything that reminds your kitty-enthusiast of his favorite furry little friend will warm his heart. You just can't go wrong! Besides, your cat person will probably be grateful that there is finally a use for all the extra cat fur.
Kitan Club Cat Cap
I feel like maybe this product is less weird than the people who want to use it. Either way, cute! Not every cat person likes to dress up their fuzzy buddy, but those who do deserve to have the best, most endearing, most enthralling cat costumes around. This set of bunny ears fits the bill. I mean... look at the face on that box. Rage, resignation, adorableness. And shouldn't your feline-loving companion's feline have the joy of such a large range of simultaneous emotions?
Cat Paw Crew Socks
Everybody needs socks. Your cat person needs cat socks. I mean... who doesn't want to be more like their kitty? You'd be crazy not to. But, sadly, for most of us, this is as close as we'll get. That's all right... at least your pal will be both stylish and comfy – while also able to quietly pretend he and his cat have equally adorable feet.
GreenLighting Solar LED Gnome Gnashing Cat
Maybe your cat person is an avid gardener... or just has a neat little patch of catnip on their grounds. If so, then it's mandatory that they have a garden gnome. Not really into anything quite so whimsical? How about a gnome gnawing yard cat that glows in the dark? You really can't get any better than this spooky little fella, especially if your lawn needs a bit of protection from mythical creatures or other garden pests.
YML Pineapple Pet Bed House
Weird gifts for cat people need not be relegated solely to weird cat people. No, indeed, weird cats also need gifts. And this pineapple bed? Well, no doubt both of your favorite weirdos will absolutely love it. If fruit isn't their deal, there are also sharks, classy space pods, cacti, and luxury cars. Whatever they're into... there's probably a bed for them.
Kikkerland Cat Butt Magnets
If it isn't their smoodgy faces, wee darling candy bean feet, or their fantastic whiskers, then it's their butts. Yep. We think our cat's fluffy little butts are freakin' adorable. I know... that is absolutely, without question a weird thing to say. But did I mention that cat people are also fairly shameless? All that said, you cannot go wrong with these kitty derriere magnets. They are charming, flocculent, and also pretty useful. I mean... crazy cat person or no, we all need magnets, right?
I Just Kissed My Cat Mints
Is this truly one of the weirdest gifts for cat people? Maybe if you're not a cat enthusiast it is. If you are, though, then you know that smooching your furry friend is a daily occurrence, and some follow-up mints can never truly go amiss. All right, all right... so everything I said is in jest – mostly – but this is still a fun little novelty, and if you dig kitties and need the occasional freshening up, then these candies could be pretty handy.
Personalized Throw Blanket
Nothing keeps you warmer than your cat. Unless it's a big, fleecy throw with a picture of your cat on it... and also your cat is cuddled up in it with you. It's honestly more than one can handle. The softness! This particular throw blanket is custom-made, so you can go with one massive photo, or a collage of super cute shots. Or – and I can't stress enough how great of an idea this is – a photo of both your friend and their cat together. It'll be a one of a kind... just sayin'!
Those of us who can't get enough of our felines honestly cannot get enough of felines in general. I mean, you can't help but notice the overflowing enthusiasm once you fall into the deep waters of kitty merchandise. However, you'll notice that some of the weirdest gifts for cat people – though tinged with furry madness – are actually both useful and just a little bit darling... even if you personally aren't privy to the mania.
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